2013 Big Adventure

Katakolon - P.89

Temple of Zeus east pediment

The East pediment. In this scene Pelops challenged Oenomaos to the race in order to marry Oenomaos’s daughter, Hippodameia. He succeeded, but only by cheating.

This pediment was done years before the other pediment. You can see the difference in the style of the sculptures. These figures are standing up straight next to each other, not very interactive. On the other pediment they're intertwined fighting.

More of the east pediment.

Lots of groups taking pictures.

I think I said it before but I love the lion downspouts.

The Nike of Paeonios was a gift to Zeus by the Messenians and Naupaktians after their victory over the Spartans. Her wings are missing here or you'd recognize the sculpture as the artwork used on the Olympic medals.

I just thought this was a cool helmet but I came across a photo that says it's the Helmet of Miltiades. Militades is often credited with devising the tactics that defeated the Persians in the Battle of Marathon. His helmet was given as an offering to the temple of Zeus at Olympia.

The owner of this cup scratched their name on the bottom so no one would steal it.

Hermes and the Infant Dionysus

Hermes and the Infant Dionysus. It was very beautiful in person.

The info card said Hermes, messenger of the Gods was charged by Zeus to take the infant Dionysus to the Nymphs to be nursed. He rested along the way and threw his cloak over a tree trunk. In his raised right arm he was probably holding a bunch of grapes, a symbol associated with the future god of wine. Dionysus reaches out for it.

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