2013 Big Adventure

Katakolon - P.87

Katakolon Greece

Temple of Zeus Olympia

The entrance to the Temple of Zeus.

The sign shows a model of what the temple looked like and what the statue inside looked like.

We moved from The Temple of Zeus to the Olympic Stadium. The arch leads in to the stadium.

The stadium was the location of many of the sporting events at the Ancient Olympic Games. It was a holy place for the ancient Greeks, as this is where sporting activities dedicated to Zeus were held.

The track is 697.3 ft long and 94 ft wide and surrounded by grassy banks on all sides. All the seats were made of mud and on the southern slope there was a stone platform where the judges would sit. On the other side was an altar to Demeter Chamyne. The stadium could hold 50,000 spectators. It was very peaceful sitting there.

This marble line was the starting line for races.

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