Press Check '08

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Ellen looked so cute in her penguin hat! Look at all of the snow outside of the window.

We ended up at the Booz In.

The snow started to slow down around 6. As you can see, the roads weren't plowed yet. Click the photo or HERE to see the movie.

Here we are with Randy, the owner of the Booz In. He gave us windbreakers!

The next morning at the hotel. The cars that were there overnight were buried under snow.

Back to the plant. We got 11" of snow at the plant, 14" in Cedarburg where we were staying.

I just love the farm across the street. It looked so pretty with all of the snow.

The roads were plowed but it was still icy. It rained the whole day before it started snowing so there was a sheet of ice under the snow.

The airport was closed until the morning we were leaving. We were bummed that our flight was cancelled but we lucked out and got on the next flight out.

Believe it or not, the monkey was on our flight again! He was very well behaved both ways, not a peep out of him. He was having fun playing with his stuffed toy.

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