2013 Big Adventure

Corfu - P.96

Achillion Palace

Elisabeth was assassinated in 1898 in Geneva by Italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni. German Kaiser Wilhelm II purchased Achilleion in 1907 from her heirs and used it as a summer residence.

Statue of Ahilles Corfu

During Kaiser Wilhelm's visits a lot of diplomatic activity used to take place in Achilleion and it became a hub of European diplomacy. Expanding on the main theme of the grounds, Wilhelm commissioned this statue of Achilles facing north toward the city.

It's known as Achilles as Guardian.

The view in front of the statue.

You could see almost all of the city.

Behind Achilles was a beautiful garden.

The centerpiece of the Achilleion Gardens, Achilles Dying, was created in Berlin in 1884. He's gazing skyward as if seeking help from Olympus.

From the back you can see the arrow in his heel.

Achilles Dying from a little farther away.

"The Runner"

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