2013 Big Adventure

Athens - P.75

Erechtheion Acropolis

The Erechtheion is across the way from the Parthenon. It was dedicated to Athena and Poseidon.

A close-up of the Porch of the Maidens.

The restoration they're doing now is trying to undo some of the problems with the restorations done in 1841-1844, 1913 and 1927-1928. Now they're basically dismantling what was done before and trying to find the original position of the blocks that were used in prior restorations. As a result, 440 cellas wall blocks have been identified and the walls will regain the strength they had at the beginning of the 19th century.

There were blocks everywhere.

There are still parts of the east pediment left. On the left side is a horse and a man.

On the right side is a horse's head.

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