2013 Big Adventure

Mykonos - P.68

Mykonos windmills

We made it to the windmills! They were built by the Venetians in the 16th century to mill flour and were in use until the early 20th century

Only four people in our big tour group were left by the time we reached the windmills. Our tour guide asked if we wanted to climb the stairs to take photos. Only Bill, me and the guy in the yellow shirt went up.

Mykonos Little Venice

A view of Little Venice from the top of the stairs.

Mykonos windmills

We saw other windmills around the island. They'd been made in to houses.

They were really neat.

And, like everything else, we couldn't stop taking pictures of them.

Time to go back down to meet our, now, very small tour group. Our tour guide said if we stuck with her she'd show us the way out of the maze of the city.

Little Venice is made up of rows of fishing houses built in the mid-18th century. They originally belonged to rich merchants or captains and had little basement doors with direct access to the sea and underground storage so people thought that the owners were secretly pirates. Now they're bars, cafes and shops. Lots of people come here to watch the sunset.

Back through the maze.

Paraportiani Church

We stopped at the Paraportiani Church.

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