2013 Big Adventure

Delos - P.61

The photographer!

Colossus Delos

The Colossus of the Naxians was a giant statue of Apollo, approximately 9 meters high (almost 30 feet), dating to the early 6th century B. C. He was depicted in the typical kouros type, frontal nude, long hair, strong shoulder and left foot ahead of the right. In his hands he either held a bow and arrow or the Three Graces.

Colossus of the Naxians

These are are few of the small pieces that were left behind and they're HUGE pieces. The holes are where the bronze hair and belt was attached. The British Museum has a section of the left leg and the Delos Museum has the left hand.

Lions of the Naxians

Terrace of the Lions.

The lions were dedicated to Apollo by the people of Naxos just before 600 B.C. The terrace consisted of a row of nine to twelve marble carved lions that faced eastward towards the Sacred Lake of Delos along the Sacred Way from Skardana Bay to the temples.

Their mouths are open as if roaring or snarling. It's meant to guard the sanctuaries and to inspire a feeling of divine fear among the worshippers.

I think there were 5 now and they're copies. The real ones are in the museum.

This is the Sacred Lake of Delos. At some point is dried up and since then archaeologists have kept it drained. That's why it's all vegetation.

The single palm tree is where Apollo and Artemis where born.

We just didn't have time to see the museum. We got as far as the first room and the tour guide said we had to go. We were bummed.

Mount Cynthus

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