2013 Big Adventure

Kusadasi - P.49

Terrace Houses

The Terrace Houses were Roman houses.

Ephesus Greece

The first houses have dated back to the 1st century.

These houses were amazingly big. This was the "Marble Hall." It had marble on the walls and floor, a fountain in the back wall and central basin. They held private and official parties here to show off how rich the owner of the house was.

Part of the mosaic floor.

It's hard to see. The photos side-by-side at the bottom shows how the mosaics were broken and then were restored. It took a LOT of patience.

This is part of the basilica in the house with an apse and barrel roof. Guests would be greeted by the owner in the basilica.

The plan of house #6. The basilica is the orange outlined part on the bottom left corner.

Marble floor.

As you went up a level you could look down in to the lower levels of the other houses. It was pretty neat.

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