2013 Big Adventure

Pompeii - P.26

Pompeii brothel

Before we made it to the door you could see in to one of the rooms. That is a bed. On the right, that is a pillow carved out of stone.

Brothel line

It was a very well-restored part of town.

When we got inside they hustled you through really fast to look at the photos. The men that came through the brothel spoke different languages so they had a photo menu. They pointed to the service they wanted.

For all that waiting, they hustled you through the brothel really fast!

This is a pipe that was exposed along the sidewalk.

This is kinda hard to see. It's subtle advertising for the brothel on the ground. You can see it darker that the rest of the stone. It's outline by the water on the lower right. Can you see it? It points toward the brothel.

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