2013 Big Adventure

Pompeii - P.25

Pompeii baths

The ceiling was awesome!

Pompeii Italy

The baths were very much intact.


You could still see some of the frescoes too!

You can kinda see a woman in the middle of the circles.

it was a big barrel ceiling.

The walls looked embossed like medallions.

There were two "bodies" on display in the baths.

It was sad. I felt bad for them.

You could see how they constucted the baths.

They built it up with these bricks so they could heat underneath to make the water warm.

brothel line

Next we were going to see the brothel. Of course, the line was LONG! Our guide kept having to stop people from cutting in front of us.

pompeii brothel

Getting closer!
WARNING! Pictures on next page show brothel photo menu.

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