2013 Big Adventure

Amalfi - P.21

Amalfi Cathedral

Amalfi Italy St Andrew

The Cathedral was fantastic!

There were a lot of things there that had perfomed miracles and paintings but there were people praying. We didn't want to disturb. We just looked around a bit.

Very pretty Baptismal Font. It said it was an ancient poryphyry basin, probably brought back from a Roman villa.


We had some time left so, shopping!

There were a lot more people when we got out of the Cathedral. We were glad we went through the Cathedral first!

Amalfi Lemons

The lemons were HUGE!

Awesome tile mosaic map! It even had serpents, mermaids and Triton on it!

We thought this fountain was amuzing. It's all moss!

We looked at some pottery and then headed back to the dock to catch the boat.

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