2013 Big Adventure

Venice - P.142

Ponte dell'Accademia

The Ponte dell'Accademia.

Venice love locks

Couples attach "love locks" to the metal rails.

The Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti has been the seat of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere e Arti since 1999 and frequently houses cultural events.

Campo Santo Stefano.

Niccolo Tommaseo. An Italian linguist, journalist and essayist.

A BIG flea market this time! No one spoke English but if we saw something we liked, we'd figure out how to haggle somehow.

The Chiesa di San Moisč (or San Moisč Profeta) was built initially in the 8th century. It is dedicated to Moses.

We heard from a bunch of people that gondola rides were running about $80 but you didn't get to ride alone. They filled it up with other people.

Heading back to the ship, We walked farther than we've ever been in Venice. St. Mark's Square was dry now!

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