2013 Big Adventure

Dubrovnik - P.115

In 1494, during the Renaissance, Ivan Marinov Gucstic-Gozze built a Summer residence and laid out a garden at his land estate in Trsteno.

Trsteno Croatia

The double row pergola pillars which support the vines are typical of the times.

The view from inside the pavilion.

Bill and another guy from our tour went off by themselves, taking photos and they were stopped by security. They told them they could take photos "that way but not this way." They got curious so they snuck around and, hey!, they found Game of Thrones shooting!

They weren't so much shooting as getting ready to shoot but they found the set.

After their adventure, they came back to the path to find the tour group.

Olive oil press

A walkway down from the Villa was a mill with the old oil press equipment.

Bill did catch up with us in the olive oil press building. I was poking my head out the door to make sure he knew we were in there. He could also hear on his headset.

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