Thanksgiving 2013

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Thu Tuyet

Thu and Brian were nice enough to invite us for Thanksgiving at their house. A great pic of Thu and Tuyet!

Mom and Dad Ngo Thanksgiving

Thu's Dad cooked the turkey and her Mom is looking up recipes for a side dish.


Sophia has grown so much since the last time we saw her! She's eating lunch.

Sophia Makenna

Sophia and Makenna are going outside to play. Sophia wanted to show off her globe.



brussel sprouts

It's time to take the brussel sprouts off of the stalk.

Thanksgiving Dinner

The table is set for dinner!

Brian Dad Ngo

Time to eat! Thanksgiving dinner was fantastic!

Thu Sophia

On Friday we went out to downtown Tulsa and had some great burgers. Sophia made some french fry helicopters with her straw.


Then we headed to the Philbrook Museum of Art.

Philbrook Museum

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