Road Trip '09

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Day 1: We started the trip with a coin flip: Heads we go East, Tails we go West.

Tails! We go West!

We stopped for drinks and snacks for the trip. Bill got the computer going.

Ready to go!

It wasn't the prettiest day to start a road trip. It was pouring.

Our first stop, the Petrified Wood Gas Station, Cafe, Motel in Decatur, Texas.

It wasn't open but it seemed like there was a business there.

It was very cute!

Then, We stopped in Old Glory, Texas. In the 1900s, many German families settled here and named the town Brandenberg, after a town in Germany.

After the outbreak of WWI, the town petitioned the post office to change the name to Old Glory to demonstrate their patriotism and pride in their adopted country. The name was changed on August 9, 1918.

Many of the pioneer settlers still live in the area.

There are flags everywhere. It's a neat little town.

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