2013 Big Adventure

Athens - P.71

Panathenaic Stadium

You can see the white marble better in this shot. The Panathenaic Stadium is the place from which the Olympic Flame is delivered to all the Olympic Games: Winter, Summer and Youth.

Athens Greece

Track length: 191m (626.6328 ft.); Avg. track length: 400m (≈1,312 ft.); Total number of steps to the top: 107; Weight of marble: 850,100,00 tons.

Our next stop: The Temple of Zeus!

Construction began in the 6th century. When it was built they tried to surpass two other temples, one of which was the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, but the temple ran in to problems when the government was overthrown. It sat unfinished for 336 years.

In 174 B.C. the Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes started rebuilding the temple but the project soon ran into more problems when Antiochus died in 164 B.C. It was not until the accession of Hadrian in the 2nd century A.D. that the project was finally completed around 638 years after it had begun.

I know it looks like just a bunch of columns but it was very cool being there.

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