2013 Big Adventure

Pompeii - P.23


It's cool to see the freco paint that was left behind.

pompeii Italy

It stopped raining pretty quickly. This is a merchant street.

You can see the different stores and even the brick oven in the back of the store on the right.

It was much more crowded than the last time we were in Pompeii. The roads here are so cool. They have curbs, on a lot of them, like this one, you can still see where the wheels left ruts in the stone and they have raised crosswalks.

This was a food place. They put the food pots in the holes.

We stopped for our guide to tell us about the unexcavated part of Pompeii.

This is boarded off because behind it is all lava rock that hasn't bee excavated. Only the front has been cleared.

Artwork that was visible from the street.

Some of the houses had second stories.

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