2013 Big Adventure

Gruyeres Castle- P.189

Gruyeres Switzerland

Today we were hanging around Gruyeres. There were a couple of things that were in the town where we were staying that we hadn't been able to do since we'd been road tripping.

Giger Museum

H. R. Giger Museum. It was across the way from the restaurant where we ate the first night. It was closed that morning. We'd come back to it later.

Giger Museum

There was some cool stuff outside.

The entrance to the museum.

We were headed to Gruyeres Castle. It's the castle we've been looking at from our hotel window since we arrived in Gruyeres.

Saint-Théodule Church

Another photo of the church where you can see a bit more of the scenery.

A map of Gruyeres showing the names of the mountains.

At the castle!

This huge medallion was to the right of the door.

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