2013 Big Adventure

Train/Lugano - P.145

Milan train station

Milan's train station was really pretty!

We didn't have time to get lunch. We could only find a sit-down restaurant and they couldn't serve us in time. We got snacks on the train.

We arrived in Lugano, Switzerland!

Even across from the train station it was beautiful!

Our plan was to catch the bus to the hotel so we had to figure out how to get a bus pass.

Waiting for the bus.

It took a long time for our bus to come. We must have just missed it.

So, we took pictures around the bus stop while we waited.

We made one error. We got on the right bus but going in the wrong direction. We rode it until the end. Then the driver stopped, looked at us, said nothing and walked off the bus to smoke. We died laughing. After the finished smoking he got back on and took the route the other way and we got to our hotel. It just took a bit longer.

We finally made it to our stop!

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