2013 Big Adventure

Arezzo - P.10

Arezzo Tuscany

This building cracked us up!

Instead of having fancy carvings on it they just painted on the fancy embellishments, even the bricks!

It was VERY fancy and all over the building.

Statue of Vittorio Fossombroni in piazza San Francesco

When we got closer to the car, it started to rain.

We ducked in to this church to check it out.

All of these churches have beautiful doors.

It was very dark inside. This altar looked much better in person but couldn't be seen in the photo.

The same with this cross. Very beautiful!

cassa automatica

When we left the church it was raining harder. We headed for the "casa automatica" to figure out how to pay for the parking,

Arezzo parking

It wasn't super hard to figure out. We did pretty well.

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