Clear Blue Cash Giveaway

at The Mirage

Page 5


He kinda looks like a big dog in this picture but it's the BIG white tiger that almost has no stripes. He eventually got in the water that's behind him.

It was late in the day. Everyone seemed like they were just waking up for dinner.

A leopard.


This tiger kept pacing in-between the fence and the door where I'm sure they're fed.

Kris with a topiary lion.

This leopard was not a happy camper. He made a sound that I thought was a man yelling. Not very cat-like at all.

This lion with the funky hair is one of the white lions.

Here's the white tiger from before posing for us.

A really good picture of our hotel!

We passed some more dolphins on the way out.

Time for the money giveaway of the night. We all met in the Revolution Lounge.

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